Hello family and friends! Mommy decided that her MySpace account wasn't good enough and emailing everyone wasn't efficient enough. So she decided to help me set up a blog so I can share my milestones with everyone! Now you don't have to be a member of anything to see how much I've grown!Well, I've learned many new things in August and September. I'm 4 and a half months old and learned about pumpkin patches, rice cereal, trucks, books, rolling over, and the wonder of being an independent "Big Boy!" Below are some pictures that show me in action!

No, I didn't really learn to sit up on my own. Mommy just propped me up against two pumpkins then leaned out of the shot really quick. It felt so great to be independent for two seconds!

Here's me and Daddy! He had fun too and bought me a 20 pound pumpkin! Thats bigger than me! (the doctor said I weigh 17 pounds at my last appointment)

I also learned how to eat off a spoon! This was my first attempt but two weeks later, I'm getting pretty good at it! This is me eating rice cereal but this week I broadened my repertoire to include baby oatmeal! Yummy!

This is me watching Daddy. He was going to teach me how to fix trucks, but Mommy said I was too little and the ground was too dirty. I think I got a good idea of what its all about. I'll be under there with him next year!

This is me reading! Yes, I'm a genius! Mommy reads to me every night before bed, but this night I read to her! Even when she's reading to me, I hold the book for her so she can concentrate on the reading. My books have pretty complex story lines so Mom has to concentrate pretty hard. My favorites include: "No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" and "Silly Sally." They make me giggle!

I learned how to hold my bottle like a "Big Boy!" Mommy or Daddy still stand guard to help me if I choke or spill, but I tell them I only need them if I feel like a good cuddle! This picture shows me adding a little style with my feet!

Finally, I learned how to roll over on October 1st while at Nana and Papa Linn's house. I'm getting pretty good at it but this picture doesn't do it justice. Mommy is going to have to figure out how to put video on here so I can show off!
That's all for now! Next blog I should be driving a car (that's what Mom says when she thinks I'm growing too fast!) Peace out!
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