Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Leaves, Halloween, and Snow!

Okay okay okay...
I know its been a while since my last post
but the life of a one-year-old doesn't always allow
time for blogging!
I'll start with some old pics and they'll lead into the
WINTER pics!My first professional haircut.
I just won't allow
Mommy to cut my hair any more
but I'm an
"angel" at the salon! Go figure!
Just working on my letters while wearing
my Potato Head glasses!
You know... important stuff!
My first trip to Night Eyes at the Blank Park Zoo.
I saw lions, tigers, and NO bears! bummer
I was a monkey but I liked the leopard better
than the real monkeys (they were boring)
Here's the costume...
and here's Daddy taking me Trick-or-Treating.
I was so polite I told everyone "Your welcome"
when they gave me candy. Mommy says we need to
work on that one!
Ahhh... remember the fall leaves?
They were so much fun this year.
They only lasted one week and now they are gone forever.
Enjoying the last nice fall day before winter.
My baby cousin Noah was baptized in Minnesota
on November 9th. Look how big he is!
He's so cute. I'm just not quite ready to hold him yet...
stop pressuring me everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Noah and I love our Nana and Papa!
I'm thankful for them!
I'm also thankful for my big cousins, Dalton and Makenzie.
Here I am being big like Dalton.
Finally SNOW!
I love the snow!
I'll even risk a runny nose to play in this stuff!
Nahhh... its more like a big spoon for eating
Here's the man!
This is my buddy Santa.
He's going to bring me some great stuff this year.
Notice, Elmo had to go with me. Elmo asked for his
friends Grover and Cookie Monster to come live with us.
With cabin fever setting in, Mom and I decided to
go camping in the living room. This is our
"cave" that we shared with other animals like my
tiger, monkey, giraffe, and many more.