Happy New Year!
I just thought I'd share the last few
experiences I enjoyed in 2008...
Mommy and I baked cookies for Santa.

Don't they look delicious!?

He ate them and must have liked them
because he brought me a play kitchen!
It even came with grill... Daddy says that's
a "manly" kitchen.

Oh yes, and he also brought me a
Cookie Monster! As I said upon seeing him,
"So cute!"

The great thing about holidays is seeing my family
like my cousin Noah. He's even cuter than
Cookie Monster, don't you agree?

He even got to play Baby Jesus in the annual
Knutson Family Nativity pageant.
So angelic!

Christmas morning we were dressed in our
matching jammies with our matching
GROVERS! Woo hoo!

I also got a cool back-pack to carry my
cars and Sesame Street friends in!

By far, my favorite part of Christmas
was playing with the trains in Papa's
basement! Papa even let me run one of the trains!

Christmas day I went to see the Thorson family
and got even MORE great stuff!
Here I'm practicing to be a vet, using my
stethoscope to listen to my kitty.

Grandma and Grandpa gave me a sled. Grandpa
even gave me a ride around the living room in it
since it was too dark out.

I eventually got to go out in the real snow and
ice in my sled. It was AWESOME... I couldn't
stop smiling!

I could show you another MILLION photos (Mommy
and Nana are a little "picture happy!") but I think you
get the idea... I had a WONDERFUL Christmas.
I hope you all had a great Christmas too!
I hope to see you soon!
Peace out!
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