I hope everyone is enjoying their summer!
Now that its done pouring rain, I've been having
fun too. I got to watch fireworks this
weekend at my friend's house.
This is me and Daddy watching fireworks
way off in the distance...


I also learned how to walk! This is me
taking off down the hallway! Maybe I'm not
the most "graceful" but I can get around!

Look I can stand on my head!

This is a good trick... sticking a light-up-suction-cup
fish to my forehead! Woohoo! Bet you can't do that!

This is me at my friend Mitchell's house playing ball.
I was too scared to hang out with his big brother
Maxwell in the pool. Too much splashing!

Mommy, Daddy, and I went to the Art Festival.
This was my favorite part... we listened to some good
music that I could dance to!

I'm learning how to play fetch with Sidney.
She's pretty crazy when it comes to her ball!
I've got a big ol' scratch on my cheek from one
of our games.

Here is PuppyDog and me riding up to Minneapolis
to find an airplane!

There's an airplane! (not ours but just like it!)

Here I am on my first plane ride with Papa.
I had a good time on the flight to Florida.
(I slept most of the way, but Mommy says
that's a blessing!)

Our first morning on the beach in Fort Lauderdale!

Here I am being introduced to the sand and waves
with Mommy and Papa.
Guess what... I LOVED IT!

Daddy and uncle Matt buried me in the sand!


Trying out my shovel from Nana.

This is Nana and me taking a Water Taxi.
We saw lots of million dollar houses and yachts.
Someday I'll be the CEO of Sunglass Hut and
buy one of those houses so you all can vacation at

Here is our hotel. Its the tan and brown one
in the middle. It had a Hooters attached to it, but
we went to Sloppy Joe's instead! Bummer.

Here's me at Bubba Gump's. They had good food
and a one-legged pigeon! What entertainment!

Now this may not be a good picture... but this is
my first run-in with the law! Mommy was going
through the gift shop at Bubba Gump's and when
she needed to pay Daddy wheeled me outside.
A few minutes later they discovered this little stuffed
shrimp laying beside my stroller... I had stolen it!
I really wanted a stuffed shrimp! Daddy took it back in
and Mommy paid for it. Yes, they are enabling my klepto-
ways but I guess I'm just too darn cute for them to say "no."
I've named him "Bubba."

This is my shell collection that Daddy found in the ocean.

Here I am next to Daddy's future
Sucker Punch Sally motorcycle.

Here is our last day on the beach.

Here is Papa, Nana, and Uncle Matt.
They were so nice to let us tag along on
their trip to Fort Lauderdale. We are so
lucky to have them!

Mommy gave up on my swim trunks the last day.
They were so full of sand and I guess she was
tired of washing the sand out each night!
I think my swim diaper is pretty stylin' with Nemo on it!

This is my crab crawl looking for seashells.

This is the dreaded flight home.
Man was I crabby!

Phew! I'm pooped out!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my summer and vacation pictures!
Thank you Nana and Papa for taking us and letting me experience
the beach for the first time! I had a BLAST!
I'll be sure to add more if anything cool happens!
Peace out!