with the computer as much!
Let's start with the State Fair...
Mom, Grandma and I went in the butterfly tent
and saw BEAUTIFL butterflies all over!
He enjoyed his cake while I enjoyed an Elmo cupcake!
Noah's mommy and daddy threw a great party!
Noah was a prince for a day!
Back in Huxley, Daddy and I hunted for creepy crawlies!
This is the killer spider we caught under a brick!
It was as bigger than a quarter!
We let him go far away from the house at mom's request. At the end of August I started a new daycare
in my new town. I love going to Lilypad and have made
lots of new friends! Huxley also had prarie fest and I got to watch hot air
balloons for the second time in one summer!Later, on one of our late night walks, Mommy and I found
a little toad. We took it home and named it Toad Jack.
He lives somewhere in our back yard now.

Grandpa remodeled the fort in Eagle Grove.
I love playing "pirate" in the fort now that
I'm big enough to climb the big ladder.

Grandma also has a cool bike that I can ride!
I'm feeling pretty big this summer!
Noah is starting to catch up to me!
He's going to be real competition soon! Funny Noah!
Grandma has bigger frogs than my Toad Jack.
This was the leopard frog we caught in her pond!
He was slimy! Mmmm... Smores!
Roasting marshmallows in Grandma and
Grandpa's fire pit. Grandpa and I enjoyed the fire from a
safe distance. Grandma likes to give me love
(and flag bandaids)! My great-aunt Camilla invited us to her farm and
I got to pet baby kitties for the first time (and maybe
the last because Daddy is alergic!) They were so sweet!
Daddy and I rode on Camilla's horses. Daddy
rode on the boy horse. I rode on Sally. It was awesome!
Camilla also had a big trampoline and I wasn't even scared!
Mya and I jumped until we were exhausted! Good times!
Okay, now that those are posted, Mommy and I are
going to start workin on Fall pictures (before winter gets here!)
Peace out!