Hello family and friends! Mommy and I are snowed in
today after a big blizzard so I decided to update everyone
on what I've learned in the past month!
This first picture shows how great I am at
emptying my book shelf! Not quite sure why
Mommy keeps putting the books back on the shelf
when I'm done!
today after a big blizzard so I decided to update everyone
on what I've learned in the past month!
This first picture shows how great I am at
emptying my book shelf! Not quite sure why
Mommy keeps putting the books back on the shelf
when I'm done!
Here I am finally crawling on my hands and knees. Its so much faster than "army crawling" on my belly. I'm discovering all sorts of new things like this!
Here is one of my discoveries.....
I've discovered what treasures the kitchen holds
like Sidney's water and food bowl! She doesn't
like me bothering her food but hey... she sits by
my high chair and stares at me while I eat!
I've discovered what treasures the kitchen holds
like Sidney's water and food bowl! She doesn't
like me bothering her food but hey... she sits by
my high chair and stares at me while I eat!
The most exciting thing I've learned is how to pull myself
up and stand while holding onto furniture or my crib.
This picture shows what happens when you wake up
from a nap and bounce up and down in your crib
while yelling "mamamama!" Oh... and when your pants
are too big! Hee hee!
up and stand while holding onto furniture or my crib.
This picture shows what happens when you wake up
from a nap and bounce up and down in your crib
while yelling "mamamama!" Oh... and when your pants
are too big! Hee hee!

the fun game "Stand up, Fall down" over and over!
I'll even throw my toy on the floor to give me a
reason to "fall down." Oh what fun it is to be
8 months old!

Now, as you might guess, learning all these new
tricks has its risks! The picture to the right is
my first bruise. It wasn't too big, but if you look
closely it is a nice purple mark on my forehead.
I didn't cry for this one... I was just darn proud!
Now this one was a doozy! I hate to admit it, but
I cried for this fat lip. That darn railing behind
me just jumped up and smacked me when I was
trying to stand up!
Look at me in the BIG bathtub!
I used to take a bath in the sink, but Mommy thought
I was getting a little big for the sink now!
I haven't quite figured out that if I try to lay
down, my face goes right in the water... maybe I'll learn
that when I go to WaterBabies class at the YMCA in March.
I was getting a little big for the sink now!
I haven't quite figured out that if I try to lay
down, my face goes right in the water... maybe I'll learn
that when I go to WaterBabies class at the YMCA in March.